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About Our Rattery!

Welcome to our about page! My Rattery is very open when it comes to info and I love talking to people about our rattery and why we do things the way we do. I am a dual purpose rat breeder meaning I do raise rats for pets/breeders as well as for food. And I know what your thinking, oh no the poor ratties.... I'm like you and get sad at the thought but my husband breeds ball pythons, feeding them is part of life. Here in our rattery I KNOW the rats have the best life possible, get spoiled and have a good ethical way of life.  

Being a dual purpose breeder has its advantages when it comes to rat breeding, I'm able to hold back the best of the best for pets and breeders. I'm not forced to sell bad quality animals or keep rats with bad genetics or temperaments. Meaning your receiving a rat that is amazing in every way possible.

My rattery consist of ARS Rack systems that have automated water and food so rats never run out. They are kept on kiln dried pine shavings and get daily enrichment. Our Racks are from ARS (American Rodent Supply) and are amazing quality and humane set up for breeding large quantities of animals. We upgraded to the clear tubs so our rats are very social and able to be checked on constantly. Our racks are very easy to clean and that aids in rat health and sanitation. Our Racks have hammocks, tunnels, toys, chews, and other enrichment at all times! No black, crowded, boring, dirty tubs here!!!!

I do have a critter nation cage for all weaned babies who are available for purchase so they can grow and get used to pet style cages! This helps reduce stress for our babies when they go to their new homes and have awesome big cages! These Cages are set up for each gender and include water bowls and bottles, hammocks, tunnels, boxes, igloos, baskets, balls, toys, chews and as many things I can think they may encounter in their new homes!

Our Rats eat 23% protein Kalmbach Rat block as their main diet and they get a homemade rat food/treat mix. This mix is used in a lot of their enrichment and scatter feeding in clean bins. This mix includes nuts, dried fruit, cheerios, noodles, oats, sunflower seeds, pet treats, and other rat safe dry goods!

My rats are all named and very spoiled. I take a ton of time with my rats as I'm a stay at home mom, making enrichment, cleaning cages very often, taking pictures and videos for my page.

Our Team
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